Kiểm thử
Testing work load can be unlimited if we don't think carefully about that. This is why we create this testing documentation, so we can communicate through different teams. People from different backgrounds can review and give us feed back. It also give the users the confidence about our code quality.
The document list the high level of testing ideas, sometime written in form of pseudo code. It is structured by components in our smartcontracts. Each item is numbered so we can easily indentify the case when we communicate. Each paragraph's title will match exactly the test name in our source code.
1. MathLibrary
Math library implement all math operations, from fundamental as simple division or multiplication to the sophisticated fee calculations, discount factor calculation ..etc. We implement all calculations in this library so all other smart contracts are not exposed to math security issues, they just used the formulas, functions implemented in this library.
1.1. multiply
implement a simple arithmetic math operation A*B
1.1.1. multiply overflow
We find a max number MM, and we test
- MM*1 = 1*MM
- (MM+1)*1 and 1*(MM+1) should overflow
- test [\sqrt{MM}-1]*[\sqrt{MM}-1] should not overflow and give exact result
- find two numbers A, B so that A*B == B*A == MM. Then (A+1)*B and A*(B+1) should overflow. Hint A and B should be close to [\sqrt{MM}-1]
1.1.2. multiply zero
For a random number, multiply with zero should return zero
1.1.3. multiply commutativity
Generate two random numbers A,B \leq (\sqrt{MM}-1), and test A*B==B*A, and should return exact result
1.2. divide
implement a simple arithmetic math operation A/B
1.2.1. divide zero
Divide by zero should throw error
1.2.2. max divisor
We find a max number MD, and we test
- 1/MD return decent result
- 1/(MD+1) should throw an error
If MD=MAXUINT256-1, then it's perfect
1.2.3. divide very small number
We find a max number MD, and we test
- \frac{1}{\frac{1}{MD}} return result ok
- \frac{1}{\frac{1}{MD+1}} should throw error or overflow
1.2.4. perfect division
For the normal cases, with numbers are all in bound with previous test, generate random numbers A, B and C=A*B
- test C/A=B and C/B=A
1.2.5. divide precision lost
As we expect our math operations are good for all numbers within the range uint128. Given A=MAXUINT128-1
- calculate R=A*(1/A) and compare relative error, i.e abs(R-A)/A. Hard code some epsilon and make sure the relative error is less then this value
- do the same thing for MAXUINT96, MAXUINT64, MAXUINT32, to get the idea how the error behaves
1.2.6. divide precision lost (randomized)
Again this test is similar to the previous one, but randomized. Test for all configurations MAXUINT128, MAXUINT96, MAXUINT64, MAXUINT32
Example for a single case MAXUINT128 :
- Generate two random numbers A, B, within the range [1,MAXUINT128-1]
- calculate R=B*(A/B) and compare relative error, i.e abs(R-A)/A. The relative error should be lower or equal to the hardcoded error found previously when we consider divide 1
Note : we don't need to do many random iteration, just one time randomized is enough. But make sure to print out the inputs and result, reason test failed, when there are errors, so we can reproduce and debug. Think about what informations we need to reproduce the failed test.
1.3. portion
1.3.1. portion is invalid
We test if portion is invalid in case of portion result greater than or equal 1.
1.3.2. portion is valid
We test if portion is valid in case of portion result less than 1.
1.3.3. portion and total amoun are very large numbers
We test if there are overflow in case of multiplication large number.
1.4. earlyFeeRate
1.4.1. day is invalid
We test if day of fee rate is invalid in case day greater than or equal 42.
1.4.2. day is valid
We test if day of fee rate is invalid.
1.4.3. day equal 42
We test if there are abnormal cases in case of day equal 42.
1.5. discountValueIncludingFeeDelta
1.5.1. s is very large number and P is very small number
We test if there are overflow in case of s divide P.
1.5.2. s is very small number and P is very large number
We test if there are overflow in case of s divide P.
1.5.3. P is zero
We test if there are cases of P is zero, should catch error Division by zero
1.6. discountValueExcludingFeeDelta
1.6.1. amount, productOfInterestRate, feeRate are very large numbers
We test if there are overflow in case of amount, productOfInterestRate, feeRate are very large numbers.
2. AuctionManager
2.1. constructor
2.1.1. CashTestToken address
We test if Auction Manager deployed, then deployed Cash Token
address is registered to Auction Manager
2.1.2. Token420 address
We test if Auction Manager deployed, then deployed Token420
address is registered to Auction Manager
2.1.3. Treasury Manager address
We test if Auction Manager deployed, then deployed Treasury Manager
address is registered to Auction Manager
2.1.4. Register Auction Manager in Treasury
We test if Auction Manager deployed, then Auction Manager
address has registered to Treasury.
2.2. registerDaoManager
2.2.1. DAO Manager has been registered
We test if DAO Manager has been registered, then throw error DaoManager has been registered
2.2.2. DAO Manager has not registered yet
We test if DAO Manager still be ZERO
address, then can register.
2.3. deposit
2.3.1. deposit CASH move from user account to Auction Manager
We test if user deposit
CASH, then cash transfer from user account to Auction Manager
2.3.2. deposit amount zero causes revert
We test if user deposit
0, then the transaction will be reverted.
2.4. withdraw
2.4.1. single user withdraw maximum token emission when deposit of previous auction is equal to softFloorDeposit
We test if user deposit
of previous auction is equal to softFloorDeposit
, then user can withdraw
maximum token emission.
2.4.2. single user withdraw maximum token emission when deposit of previous auction is more than softFloorDeposit
We test if user deposit
of previous auction is more than softFloorDeposit
, then user can withdraw
maximum token emission.
2.4.3. single user withdraw less than maximum token emission when deposit of previous auction is less than softFloorDeposit
We test if user deposit
of previous auction is less than softFloorDeposit
, then user can withdraw
less than maximum token emission.
2.4.4. single user withdraw in extreme case when they deposit 1 (10^(-18))
We test if user deposit
of previous auction is equal to 1 (10^{-18)}
), then user can withdraw
2.4.5. Should throw error No token to withdraw when user did not deposit
We test if user did not deposit
of previous auction, then throw the error when user withdraw
2.5. withdrawableTokenAmountOf
2.5.1. correct withdrawable token amount after auction inflation
We test if the withdrawable token amount is updated correctly after daily inflation of auction.
2.5.2. correct withdrawable token amount after deposit
We test if the withdrawable token amount is updated correctly after the user deposits.
2.5.3. correct withdrawable token amount after token withdrawal
We test if the withdrawable token amount is updated correctly after the user withdraws.
2.5.4. correct withdrawable token amount after deposit and withdrawal in a same auction
We test if the withdrawable token amount is updated correctly after the user deposits and withdraws in a same auction.
3. DaoManager
3.1. construction
3.1.1. Token420 address
We test if DaoManager deployed, then deployed Token420
address is registered to Dao Manager.
3.1.2. Auction Manager address
We test if DaoManager deployed, then deployed Auction Manager
address is registered to Dao Manager.
3.1.3. Mirror Pool address
We test if DaoManager deployed, then deployed Mirror Pool
address is registered to Dao Manager.
3.1.4. Staking Pool address
We test if DaoManager deployed, then deployed Staking Pool
address is registered to Dao Manager.
3.1.5. Treasury Manager address
We test if DaoManager deployed, then deployed Treasury Manager
address is registered to Dao Manager.
3.1.6. register Dao Manager address
We test if DaoManager deployed, then DAO register DAO Manager address to Token420
, Auction Manager
, Mirror Pool
, Staking Pool
and Treasury Manager
3.1.7. Initial migration status
We test if DaoManager deployed, the DAO's status of isGoingToMigrate
, isBlockedForMigration
and emissionTerminated
are false.
3.1.8. Initial auction day
We test if DaoManager deployed, the DAO's first day count should be 1.
3.1.9. Admin is deployer account
We test if DaoManager deployed, the DAO's admin is the one who deploy.
3.1.10. Initial auction information
We test if DaoManager deployed, AuctionManager is updated with correct softFloorPrice
and maximumEmission
3.2. burn
3.2.1. Caller is not Treasury Manager
We test if caller is not Treasury Manager
, then throw error.
3.2.2. Treasury Manager burn exceed amount
We test if Treasury Manager
burn exceed amount, then throw error.
3.2.3. Treasury Manager can burn
We test if Treasury Manager
burn with valid amount, then these token will be destroyed.
3.3. nextAuction
3.3.1. Caller nextAuction success
We test if caller is not Dao Admin
, then
- Auction ID will be added 1.
3.3.2. auction current total deposit greater than 0
We test if auction current total deposit greater than 0, then
- Token balance of
Auction Manager
andMirror Pool
will be added 100,000 token. - Auction ID will be added 1.
3.3.3. auction current total deposit equal 0
We test if auction current total deposit equal 0, then
- Token balance of
Auction Manager
andMirror Pool
will not added 100,000 token. - Auction ID will be added 1.
3.3.4. staking pool is empty
We test if staking pool is empty, then productOfInterestRate of Staking Pool
will be reset to 1.
3.3.5. staking pool is not empty
We test if staking pool is not empty, then token balance of Staking Pool
will added 220,000 token reward.
3.3.6. next day is less than or equal staking fee convergent day
We test if next day is less than or equal
staking fee convergent day, then Staking fee rate will be updated incrementally.
3.3.7. next day is greater than staking fee convergent day
We test if next day is greater than
staking fee convergent day, then Staking fee rate will be set to base fee rate.
3.3.8. Invalid trigger nextAuction on test net
We test after deploying DAO Manager to test net with Auction duration is 1 hour = 3600 second
. We test:
- Dao Manager trigger nextAuction well.
- Skip EVM timestamp with
minimum skip time = 3599
second, Dao Manager trigger nextAuction well. - Skip EVM timestamp with
skip time = minimum skip time - 1 = 3598
second, Dao Manager trigger nextAuction failed.
3.3.9. Invalid trigger nextAuction on main net
We test after deploying DAO Manager to main net with Auction duration is 23 hour 50 minutes = 85800 second
. We test:
- Dao Manager trigger nextAuction well.
- Skip EVM timestamp with
minimum skip time = 85799
second, Dao Manager trigger nextAuction well. - Skip EVM timestamp with
skip time = minimum skip time - 1 = 85798
second, Dao Manager trigger nextAuction failed.
3.4. prepareForMigration
3.4.1. migration and emissionTerminated status
After calling prepareForMigration
, the system should be at the prepare-to-migrate state.
When a nextAuction
is called, then the system is totally freezed
3.5. transferAdministration
3.5.1. Caller is not DAO admin
We test if caller is not Admin
then throw error Unauthorized
3.5.2. Should throw error Invalid admin address
We test if calls transferAdministration
with account that equal zero-address or current admin address then throw error Invalid admin address
3.5.3. Transfer adminship successffuly
We test if caller transferAdministration
with account that is different from zero-address or current admin address, admin
will be assigned correctly.
4. CashTestToken
4.1. construction
4.1.1. total supply 200M stable cash coin
We test if Cash Token deployed, total supply of stable Cash
coin is 200M
4.1.2. balance 100M for each test account
We test if Cash token admin pregenerate tokens and distributes to testing accounts at construct time, then cash balance of each account equal 100,000,000
4.2. deployment
4.2.1. Treasury Manager hold Cash Token
We test if TreasuryManager deployed, then deployed Cash Token
address is registered to Treasury Manager
4.2.2. Auction Manager hold Cash Token
We test if Auction Manager deployed, then deployed Cash Token
address is registered to Auction Manager
5. MirrorPool
5.1. construction
5.1.1. Token420 address
We test if Mirror Pool deployed, then deployed Token420
address is registered to Mirror Pool.
5.2. registerDaoManager
5.2.1. DAO Manager has been registered
We test if DAO Manager has been registered, then throw error DaoManager has been registered
5.2.2. DAO Manager has not registered yet
We test if DAO Manager still be ZERO
address, then can register.
5.3. fetchToken
5.3.1. Caller is not DAO Manager
We test if caller is not DAO Manager
then throw error.
5.3.2. Dao Manager can fetch token and split the token pie
We test if Dao Manager
can fetch
token that minted by DAO manager and the fetched token amount accordingly to the defined percentages
5.4. assignDevMktShareOwner
5.4.1. owner is deployer before any assignment
We test if the devMktShareOwner
is zero-address before any assignDevMktShareOwner
transaction is executed.
5.4.2. assign successfully an ordinary address
We test if dao
calls assignDevMktShareOwner
the first time with an address different from zero-address, devMktShareOwner
will be assigned correctly.
5.4.3. re-assign successfully an ordinary address
We test if dao
calls assignDevMktShareOwner
with an address different from zero-address when the owner has already been assigned, devMktShareOwner
will be assigned correctly.
5.4.4. assign unsuccessfully zero-address
We test if dao
calls assignDevMktShareOwner
with zero-address will cause revert.
5.4.5. assign unsuccessfully from sender different from admin
We test if an address different from admin
calls assignDevMktShareOwner
will cause revert
5.5. withdrawDevMktShare
5.5.1. withdraw unsuccessfully from sender different from the owner
We test if an address different from devMktShareOwner
calls withdrawDevMktShare
will cause revert.
5.5.2. withdraw unsuccessfully amount exceeding the share
We test if devMktShareOwner
calls withdrawDevMktShare
with the amount exceeding devMktShare
will cause revert.
5.5.3. withdraw successfully
We test if devMktShareOwner
calls withdrawDevMktShare
with a valid amount, devMktShare
will decrease correctly and cash balance of devMktShareOwner
will increase correctly.
5.6. refundDevMktShare
5.6.1. refund unsuccessfully from sender different from the owner
We test if an address different from devMktShareOwner
calls refundDevMktShare
will cause revert.
5.6.2. refund successfully
We test if devMktShareOwner
calls refundDevMktShare
, devMktShare
will increase correctly and cash balance of devMktShareOwner
will increase correctly.
5.7. assignEarlySupShareOwner
5.7.1. owner is deployer before any assignment
We test if the earlySupShareOwner
is zero-address before any assignEarlySupShareOwner
transaction is executed.
5.7.2. assign successfully an ordinary address
We test if dao
calls assignEarlySupShareOwner
the first time with an address different from zero-address, earlySupShareOwner
will be assigned correctly.
5.7.3. re-assign successfully an ordinary address
We test if dao
calls assignEarlySupShareOwner
with an address different from zero-address when the owner has already been assigned, earlySupShareOwner
will be assigned correctly.
5.7.4. assign unsuccessfully zero-address
We test if dao
calls assignEarlySupShareOwner
with zero-address will cause revert.
5.7.5. assign unsuccessfully from sender different from admin
We test if an address different from admin
calls assignEarlySupShareOwner
will cause revert
5.8. withdrawEarlySupShare
5.8.1. withdraw unsuccessfully from sender different from the owner
We test if an address different from earlySupShareOwner
calls withdrawEarlySupShare
will cause revert.
5.8.2. withdraw unsuccessfully amount exceeding the share
We test if earlySupShareOwner
calls withdrawEarlySupShare
with the amount exceeding earlySupShare
will cause revert.
5.8.3. withdraw successfully
We test if earlySupShareOwner
calls withdrawEarlySupShare
with a valid amount, earlySupShare
will decrease correctly and cash balance of earlySupShareOwner
will increase correctly.
5.9. refundEarlySupShare
5.9.1. refund unsuccessfully from sender different from the owner
We test if an address different from earlySupShareOwner
calls refundEarlySupShare
will cause revert.
5.9.2. refund successfully
We test if earlySupShareOwner
calls refundEarlySupShare
, earlySupShare
will increase correctly and cash balance of earlySupShareOwner
will increase correctly.
5.10. assignRsvShareOwner
5.10.1. owner is deployer before any assignment
We test if the rsvShareOwner
is zero-address before any assignRsvShareOwner
transaction is executed.
5.10.2. assign successfully an ordinary address
We test if dao
calls assignRsvShareOwner
the first time with an address different from zero-address, rsvShareOwner
will be assigned correctly.
5.10.3. re-assign successfully an ordinary address
We test if dao
calls assignRsvShareOwner
with an address different from zero-address when the owner has already been assigned, rsvShareOwner
will be assigned correctly.
5.10.4. assign unsuccessfully zero-address
We test if dao
calls assignRsvShareOwner
with zero-address will cause revert.
5.10.5. assign unsuccessfully from sender different from admin
We test if an address different from admin
calls assignRsvShareOwner
will cause revert
5.11. withdrawRsvShare
5.11.1. withdraw unsuccessfully from sender different from the owner
We test if an address different from rsvShareOwner
calls withdrawRsvShare
will cause revert.
5.11.2. withdraw unsuccessfully amount exceeding the share
We test if rsvShareOwner
calls withdrawRsvShare
with the amount exceeding rsvShare
will cause revert.
5.11.3. withdraw successfully
We test if rsvShareOwner
calls withdrawRsvShare
with a valid amount, rsvShare
will decrease correctly and cash balance of rsvShareOwner
will increase correctly.
5.12. refundRsvShare
5.12.1. refund unsuccessfully from sender different from the owner
We test if an address different from rsvShareOwner
calls refundRsvShare
will cause revert.
5.12.2. refund successfully
We test if rsvShareOwner
calls refundRsvShare
, rsvShare
will increase correctly and cash balance of rsvShareOwner
will increase correctly.
5.13. stakeFromRsvShare
5.13.1. stake unsuccessfully from sender different from owner
We test if an address different from rsvShareOwner
calls stakeFromRsvShare
will cause revert.
5.13.2. stake unsuccessfully amount exceeding the share
We test if rsvShareOwner
calls stakeFromRsvShare
with the amount exceeding rsvShare
will cause revert.
5.13.3. stake successfully
We test if rsvShareOwner
calls stakeFromRsvShare
with a valid amount, rsvShare
and tokenS420
balance of MirrorPool
will change correctly.
5.14. unstakeToRsvShare
5.14.1. unstake unsuccessfully from sender different from owner
We test if an address different from rsvShareOwner
calls stakeToRsvShare
will cause revert.
5.14.2. unstake unsuccessfully amount exceeding s420 balance
We test if rsvShareOwner
calls stakeToRsvShare
with the amount exceeding tokenS420
balance of MirrorPool
will cause revert.
5.14.3. unstake successfully
We test if rsvShareOwner
calls stakeToRsvShare
with a valid amount, rsvShare
and tokenS420
balance of MirrorPool
will change correctly.
5.15. withdrawRsvShareStake
5.15.1. withdraw unsuccessfully from sender different from owner
We test if an address different from rsvShareOwner
calls withdrawRsvShareStake
will cause revert.
5.15.2. withdraw unsuccessfully amount exceeding s420 balance
We test if rsvShareOwner
calls withdrawRsvShareStake
with the amount exceeding tokenS420
balance of MirrorPool
will cause revert.
5.15.3. withdraw successfully
We test if rsvShareOwner
calls withdrawRsvShareStake
with a valid amount, tokenS420
balances of MirrorPool
and rsvShareOwner
will change correctly.
6. StakingPool
6.1. construction
6.1.1. Token420 and TokenS420 address
We test if StakingPool deployed, then deployed Token420
address and TokenS420
address are registered to StakingPool
6.2. registerDaoManager
6.2.1. DAO Manager has been registered
We test if DAO Manager has been registered, then throw error DaoManager has been registered
6.2.2. DAO Manager has not registered yet
We test if DAO Manager still be ZERO
address, then can register.
6.3. resetproductOfInterestRate
6.3.1. Caller is not Dao Manager
We test if DAO Manager has been registered, then throw error Only DaoManager can trigger resetproductOfInterestRate
6.3.2. Reset productOfInterestRate when staking amount is empty
We test if staking amount is empty, then productOfInterestRate
reset to be 1..
6.4. updateStakingInfo
6.4.1. Caller is not Dao Manager
We test if DAO Manager has been registered, then throw error Transaction reverted without a reason string
6.4.2. Converges early and stays stable lately
We test if
- We test if converges
, then staking fee rate will be updated incrementally. - We test if converges
stays stable lately
, then staking fee rate will be reset to be base fee rate.
6.5. stake
6.5.1. Invalid stake amount
We test if user stakes amount is 0, then throw error Invalid stake amount
6.5.2. User stakes 100,000
We test if user stakes 100,000
, check
- totalCapital
- discountValueIncludingFee
- discountValueExcludingFee
- penalizedCapital
- capitalExcludingFee
- productOfInterestRate
6.5.3. User stakes 2 times, 100,000 for each time
We test if user stakes 2 times with 100,000
each time, check
- totalCapital
- discountValueIncludingFee
- discountValueExcludingFee
- penalizedCapital
- capitalExcludingFee
- productOfInterestRate
6.5.4. TODO: Multiple user stakes multiple times
We test if there are multiple
user stakes multiple
6.6. unstake
6.6.1. Invalid unstake amount
We test if user unstakes exceed
staked token amount, then throw error Invalid unstake amount
6.6.2. User only unstakes part of the tokens
We test if user only unstakes part of the tokens, then check
- totalCapital
- discountValueIncludingFee
- discountValueExcludingFee
- penalizedCapital
- capitalExcludingFee
- productOfInterestRate
6.6.3. User unstakes all
We test if user unstakes all unstakes part of the tokens, then check
- totalCapital
- discountValueIncludingFee
- discountValueExcludingFee
- penalizedCapital
- capitalExcludingFee
- productOfInterestRate reset to be
6.6.4. TODO: Multiple user unstakes part of the tokens
We test if there are multiple
user unstakes part
of the tokens.
6.6.5. TODO: Multiple user unstakes all staked tokens
We test if there are multiple
user unstakes all
staked tokens.
6.7. totalStake
6.7.1. totalStake remains the same after tokens transferred to the Staking Pool without staking
We test if when some tokens are transferred to the Staking Pool not through stake
method, the totalStake
should remain the same.
7. Token420
7.1. construction
7.1.1. Token name
We test if Token420 deployed, then deployed token name is Token420
7.1.2. Token symbol
We test if Token420 deployed, then deployed token symbol is 420D
7.2. registerDaoManager
7.2.1. DAO Manager has been registered
We test if DAO Manager has been registered, then throw error DAO Manager has been registered
7.2.2. DAO Manager has not registered yet
We test if DAO Manager still be ZERO
address, then can register.
7.3. mint
7.3.1. DAO Manager can mint token
We test if DAO Manager can mint
token with given amount.
7.3.2. Caller is not DAO Manager
We test if Caller is not
DAO Manager, then then throw error.
7.4. burn
7.4.1. DAO Manager can burn token
We test if DAO Manager can burn
token with given amount.
7.4.2. Caller is not DAO Manager
We test if Caller is not
DAO Manager, then then throw error.
7.4.3. Burn amount exceeds balance
We test if burn amount exceeds
balance, then throw error ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance
8. TreasuryManager
8.1. construction
8.1.1. CashTestToken address
We test if Treasury Manager deployed, then deployed Cash Token
address is registered to Treasury Manager
8.1.2. Token420 address
We test if Treasury Manager deployed, then deployed Token420
address is registered to Treasury Manager
8.1.3. lock until
We test if Treasury Manager deployed, then lock until
is 0
8.2. registerDaoManager
8.2.1. DAO Manager has been registered
We test if DAO Manager has been registered, then throw error DAO Manager has been registered
8.2.2. DAO Manager has not registered yet
We test if DAO Manager still be ZERO
address, then can register.
8.3. registerAuctionManager
8.3.1. Auction Manager has been registered
We test if Auction Manager has been registered, then throw error AuctionManager has been registered
8.3.2. Auction Manager has not registered yet
We test if Auction Manager still be ZERO
address, then can register.
8.4. fetchCash
8.4.1. Caller is not Auction Manager
We test if Caller is not
Auction Manager, then then throw error.
8.4.2. Auction Manager can fetch and split the cash pie
We test if Auction Manager can fetch
and split
the cash pie for
- Asset Fund (
). - Insurance Fund (
). - Operation Fund (
8.5. Claim cash back
8.5.1. Claim is locked
We test if current auction day less
than or equal
claim lock until, then TreasuryManager throw error Claim is locked
8.5.2. Claim back success
We test if user can claim
cash back in simple
auction case (TreasuryManager only hold one
user's cash), then TreasuryManager burn
their token.
8.6. lockUpTo
8.6.1. Only admin can lockUpTo
We test if caller is not Dao Manager admin, then throw error Only admin can lockUpTo
8.6.2. new lockTerm equal current auction day
We test if newLockUntil <= currentAuctionDay, then throw error Invalid lock until auction day
8.6.3. new lockTerm less and equal old lockTerm
We test if newLockUntil <= oldLockUntil, then throw error Invalid lock until auction day
8.6.4. lockUpTo success
We test if newLockUntil:
- newLockUntil > currentAuctionDay
- newLockUntil != oldLockUntil
Then lockUpTo should lock success.
8.7. assignAssetFundOwner
8.7.1. owner is deployer before any assignment
We test if the assetFundOwner
is zero-address before any assignAssetFundOwner
transaction is executed.
8.7.2. assign successfully an ordinary address
We test if dao
calls assignAssetFundOwner
the first time with an address different from zero-address, assetFundOwner
will be assigned correctly.
8.7.3. re-assign successfully an ordinary address
We test if dao
calls assignAssetFundOwner
with an address different from zero-address when the owner has already been assigned, assetFundOwner
will be assigned correctly.
8.7.4. assign unsuccessfully zero-address
We test if dao
calls assignAssetFundOwner
with zero-address will cause revert.
8.7.5. assign unsuccessfully from sender different from admin
We test if an address different from admin
calls assignAssetFundOwner
will cause revert
8.8. withdrawAssetFund
8.8.1. withdraw unsuccessfully from sender different from the owner
We test if an address different from assetFundOwner
calls withdrawAssetFund
will cause revert.
8.8.2. withdraw unsuccessfully amount exceeding the fund
We test if assetFundOwner
calls withdrawAssetFund
with the amount exceeding assetFund
will cause revert.
8.8.3. withdraw successfully
We test if assetFundOwner
calls withdrawAssetFund
with a valid amount, assetFund
will decrease correctly and cash balance of assetFundOwner
will increase correctly.
8.9. refundAssetFund
8.9.1. refund unsuccessfully from sender different from the owner
We test if an address different from assetFundOwner
calls refundAssetFund
will cause revert.
8.9.2. refund successfully
We test if assetFundOwner
calls refundAssetFund
, assetFund
will increase correctly and cash balance of assetFundOwner
will increase correctly.
8.10. assignInsuranceFundOwner
8.10.1. owner is deployer before any assignment
We test if the insuranceFundOwner
is zero-address before any assignInsuranceFundOwner
transaction is executed.
8.10.2. assign successfully an ordinary address
We test if dao
calls assignInsuranceFundOwner
the first time with an address different from zero-address, insuranceFundOwner
will be assigned correctly.
8.10.3. re-assign successfully an ordinary address
We test if dao
calls assignInsuranceFundOwner
with an address different from zero-address when the owner has already been assigned, insuranceFundOwner
will be assigned correctly.
8.10.4. assign unsuccessfully zero-address
We test if dao
calls assignInsuranceFundOwner
with zero-address will cause revert.
8.10.5. assign unsuccessfully from sender different from admin
We test if an address different from admin
calls assignInsuranceFundOwner
will cause revert
8.11. withdrawInsuranceFund
8.11.1. withdraw unsuccessfully from sender different from the owner
We test if an address different from insuranceFundOwner
calls withdrawInsuranceFund
will cause revert.
8.11.2. withdraw unsuccessfully amount exceeding the fund
We test if insuranceFundOwner
calls withdrawInsuranceFund
with the amount exceeding insuranceFund
will cause revert.
8.11.3. withdraw successfully
We test if insuranceFundOwner
calls withdrawInsuranceFund
with a valid amount, insuranceFund
will decrease correctly and cash balance of insuranceFundOwner
will increase correctly.
8.12. refundInsuranceFund
8.12.1. refund unsuccessfully from sender different from the owner
We test if an address different from insuranceFundOwner
calls refundInsuranceFund
will cause revert.
8.12.2. refund successfully
We test if insuranceFundOwner
calls refundInsuranceFund
, insuranceFund
will increase correctly and cash balance of insuranceFundOwner
will increase correctly.
8.13. assignOperationFundOwner
8.13.1. owner is deployer before any assignment
We test if the operationFundOwner
is zero-address before any assignOperationFundOwner
transaction is executed.
8.13.2. assign successfully an ordinary address
We test if dao
calls assignOperationFundOwner
the first time with an address different from zero-address, operationFundOwner
will be assigned correctly.
8.13.3. re-assign successfully an ordinary address
We test if dao
calls assignOperationFundOwner
with an address different from zero-address when the owner has already been assigned, operationFundOwner
will be assigned correctly.
8.13.4. assign unsuccessfully zero-address
We test if dao
calls assignOperationFundOwner
with zero-address will cause revert.
8.13.5. assign unsuccessfully from sender different from admin
We test if an address different from admin
calls assignOperationFundOwner
will cause revert
8.14. withdrawOperationFund
8.14.1. withdraw unsuccessfully from sender different from the owner
We test if an address different from operationFundOwner
calls withdrawOperationFund
will cause revert.
8.14.2. withdraw unsuccessfully amount exceeding the fund
We test if operationFundOwner
calls withdrawOperationFund
with the amount exceeding operationFund
will cause revert.
8.14.3. withdraw successfully
We test if operationFundOwner
calls withdrawOperationFund
with a valid amount, operationFund
will decrease correctly and cash balance of operationFundOwner
will increase correctly.
8.15. refundOperationFund
8.15.1. refund unsuccessfully from sender different from the owner
We test if an address different from operationFundOwner
calls refundOperationFund
will cause revert.
8.15.2. refund successfully
We test if operationFundOwner
calls refundOperationFund
, operationFund
will increase correctly and cash balance of operationFundOwner
will increase correctly.
9. Fixed
9.1. one
9.1.1. scaling factor Q=2^128
We test return value of one
is equal 2^{128}, we call return value is Q
Q = 0x100000000000000000000000000000000
= 340282366920938463463374607431768211456
9.1.2. fixedToInt(one()) = 1
We convert fixedToInt
from Fixed(1), it should return 1
9.1.3. intToFixed(1) = one()
We convert intToFixed
from 1
, the result should equal
9.1.4. one() * one() = one()
We test * =
9.1.5. Fixed one multiplication invariant
Generate a random big uint A < 2^{64}, convert it to Fixed to get a random Fixed.
9.2. Fixed conversion
9.2.1. intToFixed(0)=0
For Fixed(A) = 0, converting Fixed(A) to uint
number should return 0
9.2.2. intToFixed(1)=2^128
For Fixed(A) = 2^{128}, converting Fixed(A) to uint
number should return 1 and vice versa.
9.2.3. uint256(intToFixed(A)) should divide 2^128
For uint256 random number, it should divide 2^{128} success.
9.2.4. intToFixed(2^128) overflow
For A = Q, converting A to Fixed
number should overflow
9.2.5. fixedToInt(intToFixed(random)) conversion
Generate a random bigInt A < 2^{128-1}, convert it to Fixed
, then convert it back to int
, should get the back the initial generated bigInt
9.2.6. fixedToInt(0)
For a Fixed
number with value is 0
, convert it from Fixed
to int
should return 0
9.2.7. fixedToInt([2^128-1])=0
For a Fixed
number with value is 2^{128-1}, convert it from Fixed
to int
should return 0
9.2.8. fixedToInt([2^128])=1
For a Fixed
number with value is 2^{128}, convert it from Fixed
to int
should return 1
9.3. add(Fixed, Fixed)
9.3.1. add( Fixed([2^256-1]), Fixed([1]) ) should overflow
For two Fixed
number [A] = 2^{256-1} and [B] = 1, then [A] + [B] should throw overflow
9.3.2. add([A],[B]) = add([B],[A])
For two random Fixed
number [A] and [B], then we test:
$$ [A] + [B] = [B] + [A] $$.
9.3.3. add([A],[0]) = [A]
For random Fixed
number [A], then we test:
[A] + [0] = [A]
$$ .
9.3.4. add([A],[B]) overflow if A+B>=2^256
For random Fixed
number [A] < 10^{32} and [B] = 2^{256} - [A], we test [A] + [B] and [B] + [A] should throw overflow
9.4. subtract(Fixed, Fixed)
9.4.1. subtract([A], [0]) = [A]
For a random Fixed
number [A] < 10^{32}, we test:
[A] - [0] = [A]
9.4.2. subtract([A], [A]) = [0]
For a random Fixed
number [A] < 10^{32}, we test:
[A] - [A] = [0]
9.4.3. subtract([A], [A+1]) should revert
For a random Fixed
number [A] < 10^{32}, we test:
[A] - [(A + 1)]
should throw error oveflow
9.5. multiply(Fixed, Fixed)
9.5.1. multiply([A],[0]) = [0]
For two Fixed
numbers [A] = 10^{32} (random), [B]= 0, we test:
[A] * [B] = [0].
9.5.2. multiply([A],one) = [A]
For two Fixed
numbers [A] = 10^{32} (random), [B] = 2^{128}, we test:
[A] * [B] = [A].
9.5.3. multiply([A],[B]) = multiply([B],[A])
For random two Fixed
numbers [A] = 10^{12}, [B] = 10^{12}, we test:
[A] _ [B] = [B] _ [A].
9.5.4. multiply(intToFixed(2^128-1),one) should pass
- For random uint A = 2^{128} - 1 and
number [B] = 2^{128}, we test IntToFixed(A) * [B] should return exact result.
9.5.5. multiply(intToFixed(2^64),intToFixed(2^64)) should overflow
For random two uint numbers A = 2^{64}, B = 2^{64}, we test:
- IntToFixed(A) * IntToFixed(B) should
9.5.6. multiply(Fixed([2^128+1]),Fixed([2^256-1])) should overflow
For two Fixed
numbers [A] = 2^{128} + 1, [B] = 2^{256} -1, we test:
- [A] * [B] should
9.5.7. multiply(intToFixed(AA),intToFixed(BB)) = intToFixed(AA*BB)
For random two uint numbers AA = 2, BB = 2, we test
IntToFixed(AA) * IntToFixed(BB) = IntToFixed(AA*BB)
9.5.8. Should multiply success in basic case
For two uint numbers A = 2, B = 5, we test:
A * B = 10.
9.5.9. Should multiply success in edge case
For an uint numbers MM = Q - 1 = 2^{128} - 1, we test MM * 1 = 1 * MM should return exact result.
For two uint numbers A = 2^{64} - 1, B = 2^{64} + 1, we test A * B should return exact result.
9.5.10. Should throw overflow
For two uint numbers A = 2^{64} - 1, B = 2^{64} + 1, we test:
- (A + 1) * B should
. - A * (B + 1) should
9.6. multiply(Fixed, uint)
9.6.1. multiply([A],0) = [0]
For random Fixed
numbers [A] = 10^{32}, uint number B = 0, we test:
[A] * B = [0].
9.6.2. multiply([A],1) = [A]
For random Fixed
number [A] = 10^{32}, uint number B = 1, we test:
[A] * B = [A].
9.6.3. multiply([A],B) = multiply([B],A)
For random two uint numbers A = 10^{12}, B = 10^{12}, we test:
[A] _ B = [B] _ A.
9.6.4. multiply(intToFixed(2^128-1),one) should pass
- For two uint numbers A = 2^{128} - 1, B = 1, we test IntToFixed(A) * B should return exact result.
9.6.5. multiply(intToFixed(2^64),2^64) should overflow
For two uint numbers A = 2^{64}, B = 2^{64}, we test:
- IntToFixed(A) * B should
. - IntToFixed(A - 1) * (B + 2) should
9.6.6. multiply(Fixed([2^256]),1)) should overflow
For Fixed
number [A] = 2^{256} and uint number B = 1, we test:
- [A] * B should
. - [(A - 1)] * (B + 1) should
9.7. multiplyTruncating(Fixed, uint)
9.7.1. multiplyTruncating([A],0) = 0
For random Fixed
number [A] = 10^{32} and uint number B = 0, we test:
[A] * B = 0.
9.7.2. multiplyTruncating([A],1) = A
For random Fixed
number [A] = 10^{32} and uint number B = 1, we test:
[A] * B = A.
9.7.3. multiplyTruncating([A],B) = multiplyTruncating([B],A)
For random two uint numbers A = 10^{12}, B = 10^{12}, we test:
[A] _ B = [B] _ A.
9.7.4. multiplyTruncating(intToFixed(2^128-1),one) should pass
- For two uint numbers A = 2^{128} - 1, B = 1, we test IntToFixed(A) * B should return exact result.
9.7.5. multiplyTruncating(Fixed([2^128]),2^256)) should overflow
For Fixed
number [A] = 2^{128} and uint number B = 2^{256}, we test:
- [A] * B should
. - [(A - 1)] * B should
9.7.6. multiplyTruncating(Fixed([2^256]),1)) should overflow
For Fixed
number [A] = 2^{256} and uint number B = 1, we test:
- [A] * B should
. - [(A - 1)] * (B + 1) should
9.8. divide(Fixed, Fixed)
9.8.1. divide([A],[0]) should throw error Division by zero
For two Fixed
numbers [A] = 10^{32} (random), [B] = 0, we test:
- [A] / [B] should throw error
Division by zero
9.8.2. divide([A],one) = [A]
For two Fixed
numbers [A] = 10^{32} (random), [B] = 2^128, we test:
[A] / [B] = [A].
9.8.3. divide([A],[B]) should pass
For random two Fixed
numbers [A] = 2, [B] = 2, we test [A] / [B] should return exact result.
9.8.4. divide(intToFixed(2^128-1),one) should pass
- For uint numbers A = 2^{128} - 1 and
[B] = 2^{128}, we test IntToFixed(A) / [B] should return exact result.
9.8.5. divide(Fixed([2^256-1]),one) should pass
For random two uint numbers [A] = 2^{256} -1, [B] = 2^{128}, we test [A] / [B] should return exact result.
9.8.6. divide(intToFixed(2^64),intToFixed(1 / 2^64)) should overflow
For random two uint numbers A = 2^{64}, B = 1 / 2^{64}, we test:
- IntToFixed(A) / IntToFixed(B) should
9.8.7. Should throw error Division by zero
For two uint numbers A < 2^{128} - 1, B = 0, we test A / B should throw error Division by zero
9.8.8. Should perfect division
For three uint numbers A = 5, B = 2 and C = 10, we test:
C/A = B
C/B = A
9.8.9. Should division success in edge case
For two uint number A = 2^128 - 1, B = 1. We test A / B should return exact result.
9.9. divide(uint, uint)
9.9.1. divide(A,0) should throw error Division by zero
For two uint numbers A = 2 (random), B = 0, we test:
- A / B should throw error
Division by zero
9.9.2. divide(A,1) = [A]
For two uint numbers A = 2 (random), B = 1, we test:
A / B = [A].
9.9.3. divide(A,B) should pass
For random two uint numbers A = 2, B = 2, We test A / B should return exact result.
9.9.4. divide(2^128-1,one) should pass
- For random two uint numbers A = 2^{128} - 1, B = 1, we test A / B should return exact result.
9.9.5. Should throw error Division by zero
For two uint numbers A < 2^{128} - 1, B = 0, we test A / B should throw error Division by zero
9.9.6. Should perfect division
For three uint numbers A = 5, B = 2 and C = 10, we test:
C/A = B
C/B = A
9.9.7. Should throw overflow
For two uint numbers A = 2^{128}, B = 1, we test A / B should throw error overflow
9.10. divide(Fixed, uint)
9.10.1. divide([A],0) should throw error Division by zero
For random Fixed
number [A] = 10^{12} (random), uint number B = 0, we test:
- [A] / B should throw error
Division by zero
9.10.2. divide([A],1) = [A]
For random Fixed
number [A] = 10^{12} (random), uint number B = 1, we test:
[A] / B = [A].
9.10.3. divide([A],B) should pass
For random Fixed
number [A] = 10^{12}, uint number B = 2, We test [A] / B should return exact result.
9.10.4. divide(intToFixed(2^128-1),1) should pass
- For random two uint numbers A = 2^{128} - 1, B = 1, we test IntToFixed(A) / B should return exact result.
9.10.5. divide(Fixed([2^256-1]),1) should pass
For random Fixed
numbers [A] = 2^{256} - 1, uint number B = 1, we test [A] / B should return exact result.
9.10.6. Should divide success
For three uint numbers A = 5, B = 2 and C = 10, we test:
C/A = B
C/B = A
9.10.7. Should throw error division by zero
For two uint numbers A < 2^{128} - 1, B = 0, we test A / B should throw error Division by zero
9.10.8. Should division success in edge case
For two uint numbers A < 2^{128} - 1, B = 1, we test A / B should give exact result.
10.1. construction
10.1.1. Token name
We test if TokenS420 deployed, then deployed token name is TokenS420
10.1.2. Token symbol
We test if TokenS420 deployed, then deployed token symbol is TokenS420
10.2. registerStakingPool
10.2.1. Staking Pool has been registered
We test if Staking Pool has been registered, then throw error Staking Pool has been registered
10.2.2. Staking Pool has not registered yet
We test if Staking Pool has been registered, then check Staking Pool address
10.3. totalSupply
10.3.1. Calculate totalSupply correctly
We test total supply
of the tokens.
10.4. balanceOf
10.4.1. Calculate balance correctly
We test balance
of the tokens.
10.5. mint discount factor
10.5.1. Fail for not Staking Pool
We test if caller is not Staking Pool
then throw error.
10.5.2. Mint exactly
We test if Staking Pool can mint
token with given amount.
10.6. burn
10.6.1. Fail for not Staking Pool
We test if caller is not Staking Pool
then throw error.
10.6.2. Burn exactly
We test if Staking Pool can burn
token with given amount.
10.6.3. Burn more than balance
We test if Staking Pool can burn
token amount more than balance.
10.7. transfer
10.7.1. Transfer successfully
We test if can transfer
token with given amount.
11. Auction Manager Case
11.1. Day 1 total deposit is greater than soft floor deposit then user withdraws
We test if user deposit
more than softFloorDeposit
, then user calls withdraw
to collect tokens of day 1.
11.2. Day 2 total deposit is less than soft floor deposit then user withdraws
We test if user deposit
less than softFloorDeposit
, then user calls withdraw
to collect tokens of day 2.
11.3. Day 3 total deposit is greater than soft floor deposit but user does not withdraw
We test if user deposit
more than softFloorDeposit
, then user doesn't collect tokens of day 3.
11.4. Day 4 total deposit is equal to soft floor deposit then user withdraws
We test if user deposit
equal to softFloorDeposit
, then user calls withdraw
to collect tokens of day 3 and 4.
11.5. Day 5 total deposit is less than soft floor deposit but user does not withdraw
We test if user deposit
less than softFloorDeposit
, then user doesn't collect tokens of day 5.
11.6. Day 6 total deposit is less than soft floor deposit then user withdraws
We test if user deposit
less than softFloorDeposit
, then user calls withdraw
to collect tokens of day 5 and 6.
11.7. Day 7 total deposit is greater than soft floor deposit but user does not withdraw
We test if user deposit
more than softFloorDeposit
, then user doesn't collect tokens of day 7.
11.8. Day 8 total deposit is less than soft floor deposit but user does not withdraw
We test if user deposit
less than softFloorDeposit
, then user doesn't collect tokens of day 8.
11.9. Day 9 total deposit is equal to soft floor deposit then user withdraws
We test if user deposit
equal to softFloorDeposit
, then user calls withdraw
to collect tokens of day 7, 8, and 9.
12. Staking Case
12.1. Day 2 stake token success
We test if user stake 1
token, we check:
- productOfInterestRate
- balance420D
- totalSupply
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
12.2. Day 3 unstake part 1 of token
We test if user unstake 1
token, we check:
- chargedFee
- balance420D
- totalSupply
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
12.3. Day 3 unstake part 2 of token
We test if user unstake 2
token, we check:
- chargedFee
- balance420D
- totalSupply
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
12.4. Day 3 unstake part 3 of token
We test if user unstake 3
token, we check:
- chargedFee
- balance420D
- totalSupply
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
12.5. Day 4 stake token success
We test if user stake 1
token, we check:
- productOfInterestRate
- balance420D
- totalSupply
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
12.6. Day 5 unstake part 1 of token
We test if user unstake 1
token, we check:
- chargedFee
- balance420D
- totalSupply
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
12.7. Day 5 unstake part 2 of token
We test if user unstake 2
token, we check:
- chargedFee
- balance420D
- totalSupply
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
12.8. Day 5 unstake part 3 of token
We test if user unstake 3
token, we check:
- chargedFee
- balance420D
- totalSupply
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
12.9. Day 6 check total supply and balance token
We test if user do nothing, we check:
- productOfInterestRate
- totalSupply
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
12.10. Day 7 check total supply and balance token
We test if user do nothing, we check:
- productOfInterestRate
- totalSupply
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
12.11. Day 8 check total supply and balance token
We test if user do nothing, we check:
- productOfInterestRate
- totalSupply
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
12.12. Day 9 check total supply and balance token
We test if user do nothing, we check:
- productOfInterestRate
- totalSupply
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
12.13. Day 10 unstake all token
We test if user unstake all token, we check:
- chargedFee
- balance420D
- totalSupply
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
13. Treasury Case
13.1. Day 1 auction total deposit is greater than 0 then user do NOT claim token
We test if user deposit
and auction total deposit
is greater
than 0, then user can withdraw
token but do NOT claim token, we check:
- cash_balance_treasury_before
- cash_balance_treasury_after
13.2. Day 2 auction total deposit is equal 0 and treasury do NOT receive cash
We test if user deposit
and auction total deposit
is equal
0 and treasury do NOT
receive cash, we check:
- cash_balance_treasury_before
- cash_balance_treasury_after
13.3. Day 3 auction total deposit is greater than 0 then user 1 do NOT withdraw token but buy back
We test if user deposit
and auction total deposit
is greater
than 0, then user do NOT withdraw
token but user claim
token, we check:
- token_total
- cash_balance_treasury_before
- cash_balance_treasury_after
- cash_IFund
- cash_AFund
- token_ubalance
- cash_move_to_user
- cash_move_from_treasury
13.4. Day 4 auction total deposit is greater than 0 then withdraw and claim all token for user 1,3,5,7,9
We test if user deposit
and auction total deposit
is greater
than 0 then user withdraw
token and claim
token, we check:
- token_total
- cash_balance_treasury_before
- cash_balance_treasury_after
- cash_IFund
- cash_AFund
- token_ubalance
- cash_move_to_user
- cash_move_from_treasury
13.5. Day 5 auction total deposit is equal 0 then user 2 claim token
We test if user deposit
and auction total deposit
is equal
0 then user 2 claim
token, we check:
- token_total
- cash_balance_treasury_before
- cash_balance_treasury_after
- cash_IFund
- cash_AFund
- token_ubalance
- cash_move_to_user
- cash_move_from_treasury
13.6. Day 6 auction total deposit is greater than 0 but user 2 do NOT withdraw token
We test if user deposit
and total deposit
is greater
than 0 then user 2 claim
token, throw exception Unable to calculate withdrawal parts
13.7. Day 7 auction total deposit is equal 0 and treasury do NOT receive cash and user do NOT claim
We test if user deposit
and auction total deposit
is equal
0 and treasury do NOT
receive cash, we check:
- cash_balance_treasury_before
- cash_balance_treasury_after
13.8. Day 8 auction total deposit is greater than 0 then withdraw token and claim token for user 1..9
We test if user deposit
and auction total deposit
is greater
than 0 then user withdraw
token and claim
token, we check:
- token_total
- cash_balance_treasury_before
- cash_balance_treasury_after
- cash_IFund
- cash_AFund
- token_ubalance
- cash_move_to_user
- cash_move_from_treasury
14. Migration
14.1. Update and Migration permission
We test how the entire system migration process.
- Admin first call DaoManager prepareForMigration. At this time, users still can bid to auction and stake, unstake and all other normal activities
Admin then call DaoManager for nextAuction. At this time :
- No one can bid to auction or stake/unstake
- Users still can do other operations : claim past auctions, buyBack
We clone all the contract V1 to the new one V2 (copy all its state and move all its funds)
Admin call to replace DaoManagerV2 and StakingPoolV2. At this time
- Existing users should see their 420 tokens unchanged
- Their might be changes in their s420 tokens, but it shouldn't be empty
- Users having s420 can unstake
- User start to bid to auction, stake, unstake as normal again
- User can buyBack
This test doesn't check the number precisions. It just check that the migration process is well migrated to the new one. It also check at certain step, the corresponding functionalities are blocked as expected
15. Complex Staking Case
15.1. Day 2 user 3-6 stakes
We test if multiple user only stakes tokens, then check
- totalSupply
- balance420D
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
- productOfInterestRate
15.2. Day 3 user 3-5 stakes
We test if multiple user only stakes tokens, then check
- totalSupply
- balance420D
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
- productOfInterestRate
15.3. Day 4 user 3-6 stakes
We test if multiple user only stakes tokens, then check
- totalSupply
- balance420D
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
- productOfInterestRate
15.4. Day 5 user do not stakes
We test if multiple user do not stakes stakes tokens, then check
- totalSupply
- balance420D
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
- productOfInterestRate
15.5. Day 6 user 3-6 stakes
We test if multiple user stakes stakes tokens, then check
- totalSupply
- balance420D
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
- productOfInterestRate
15.6. Day 7 user 3-6 unstakes part of the tokens
We test if multiple user only unstakes part of the tokens, then check
- totalSupply
- balance420D
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
- productOfInterestRate
15.7. Day 8 user 3,4,5 unstakes all
We test if multiple user 3,4,5 unstakes all tokens, then check
- totalSupply
- balance420D
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
- productOfInterestRate
15.8. Day 9 user 6 do not unstakes
We test if user 6 do not unstakes tokens, then check
- totalSupply
- balance420D
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
- productOfInterestRate
15.9. Day 10 user 6 unstakes all
We test if multiple user 6 unstakes all tokens, then check
- totalSupply
- balance420D
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
- productOfInterestRate
16. Auction Manager Case V2
16.1. Day 1 total deposit is greater than soft floor deposit then user withdraws
We test if user deposit
more than softFloorDeposit
, then user calls withdraw
to collect tokens of day 1.
16.2. Day 2 total deposit is less than soft floor deposit then user withdraws
We test if user deposit
less than softFloorDeposit
, then user calls withdraw
to collect tokens of day 2.
16.3. Day 3 total deposit is greater than soft floor deposit but user does not withdraw
We test if user deposit
more than softFloorDeposit
, then user doesn't collect tokens of day 3.
16.4. Day 4 total deposit is equal to soft floor deposit then user withdraws
We test if user deposit
equal to softFloorDeposit
, then user calls withdraw
to collect tokens of day 3 and 4.
16.5. Day 5 total deposit is less than soft floor deposit but user does not withdraw
We test if user deposit
less than softFloorDeposit
, then user doesn't collect tokens of day 5.
16.6. Day 6 migration V2
We migrate DAO from V1 to V2.
16.7. Day 6 total deposit is less than soft floor deposit then user withdraws
We test if user deposit
less than softFloorDeposit
, then user calls withdraw
to collect tokens of day 5 and 6.
16.8. Day 7 total deposit is greater than soft floor deposit but user does not withdraw
We test if user deposit
more than softFloorDeposit
, then user doesn't collect tokens of day 7.
16.9. Day 8 total deposit is less than soft floor deposit but user does not withdraw
We test if user deposit
less than softFloorDeposit
, then user doesn't collect tokens of day 8.
16.10. Day 9 total deposit is equal to soft floor deposit then user withdraws
We test if user deposit
equal to softFloorDeposit
, then user calls withdraw
to collect tokens of day 7, 8, and 9.
17. Staking Case V2
17.1. Day 2 stake token success
We test if user stake 1
token, we check:
- productOfInterestRate
- balance420D
- totalSupply
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
17.2. Day 3 unstake part 1 of token
We test if user unstake 1
token, we check:
- chargedFee
- balance420D
- totalSupply
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
17.3. Day 3 unstake part 2 of token
We test if user unstake 2
token, we check:
- chargedFee
- balance420D
- totalSupply
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
17.4. Day 3 unstake part 3 of token
We test if user unstake 3
token, we check:
- chargedFee
- balance420D
- totalSupply
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
17.5. Day 4 stake token success
We test if user stake 1
token, we check:
- productOfInterestRate
- balance420D
- totalSupply
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
17.6. Day 5 migration V2
We migrate DAO from V1 to V2.
17.7. Day 5 unstake part 1 of token
We test if user unstake 1
token, we check:
- chargedFee
- balance420D
- totalSupply
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
17.8. Day 5 unstake part 2 of token
We test if user unstake 2
token, we check:
- chargedFee
- balance420D
- totalSupply
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
17.9. Day 5 unstake part 3 of token
We test if user unstake 3
token, we check:
- chargedFee
- balance420D
- totalSupply
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
17.10. Day 6 check total supply and balance token
We test if user do nothing, we check:
- productOfInterestRate
- totalSupply
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
17.11. Day 7 check total supply and balance token
We test if user do nothing, we check:
- productOfInterestRate
- totalSupply
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
17.12. Day 8 check total supply and balance token
We test if user do nothing, we check:
- productOfInterestRate
- totalSupply
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
17.13. Day 9 check total supply and balance token
We test if user do nothing, we check:
- productOfInterestRate
- totalSupply
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
17.14. Day 10 unstake all token
We test if user unstake all token, we check:
- chargedFee
- balance420D
- totalSupply
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
18. Treasury Case V2
18.1. Day 1 auction total deposit is greater than 0 then user do NOT claim token
We test if user deposit
and auction total deposit
is greater
than 0, then user can withdraw
token but do NOT claim token, we check:
- cash_balance_treasury_before
- cash_balance_treasury_after
18.2. Day 2 auction total deposit is equal 0 and treasury do NOT receive cash
We test if user deposit
and auction total deposit
is equal
0 and treasury do NOT
receive cash, we check:
- cash_balance_treasury_before
- cash_balance_treasury_after
18.3. Day 3 auction total deposit is greater than 0 then user 1 do NOT withdraw token but claim token
We test if user deposit
and auction total deposit
is greater
than 0, then user do NOT withdraw
token but user claim
token, we check:
- token_total
- cash_balance_treasury_before
- cash_balance_treasury_after
- cash_IFund
- cash_AFund
- token_ubalance
- cash_move_to_user
- cash_move_from_treasury
18.4. Day 4 auction total deposit is greater than 0 then migration V2 and withdraw token
We test if user deposit
and auction total deposit
is greater
than 0 then migrate DAO V1 to V2.
18.5. Day 5 claim all token for user 1,3,5,7,9
We test if user deposit
and auction total deposit
is greater
than 0 then user withdraw
token and claim
token, we check:
- token_total
- cash_balance_treasury_before
- cash_balance_treasury_after
- cash_IFund
- cash_AFund
- token_ubalance
- cash_move_to_user
- cash_move_from_treasury
18.6. Day 6 auction total deposit is equal 0 then user 2 claim token
We test if user deposit
and auction total deposit
is equal
0 then user 2 claim
token, we check:
- token_total
- cash_balance_treasury_before
- cash_balance_treasury_after
- cash_IFund
- cash_AFund
- token_ubalance
- cash_move_to_user
- cash_move_from_treasury
18.7. Day 7 auction total deposit is greater than 0 then user 2 do NOT withdraw token
We test if user deposit
and auction total deposit
is equal
0 then user 2 claim
token, throw exception Unable to calculate withdrawal parts
18.8. Day 8 auction total deposit is equal 0 and treasury do NOT receive cash and user do NOT claim
We test if user deposit
and auction total deposit
is equal
0 and treasury do NOT
receive cash, we check:
- cash_balance_treasury_before
- cash_balance_treasury_after
18.9. Day 9 auction total deposit is greater than 0 then withdraw token and claim token for user 1..9
We test if user deposit
and auction total deposit
is greater
than 0 then user withdraw
token and claim
token, we check:
- token_total
- cash_balance_treasury_before
- cash_balance_treasury_after
- cash_IFund
- cash_AFund
- token_ubalance
- cash_move_to_user
- cash_move_from_treasury
19. Complex Staking Case V2
19.1. Day 2 user 3-6 stakes
We test if multiple user only stakes tokens, then check
- totalSupply
- balance420D
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
- productOfInterestRate
19.2. Day 3 user 3-5 stakes
We test if multiple user only stakes tokens, then check
- totalSupply
- balance420D
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
- productOfInterestRate
19.3. Day 4 user 3-6 stakes
We test if multiple user only stakes tokens, then check
- totalSupply
- balance420D
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
- productOfInterestRate
19.4. Day 5 migration V2
We migrate DAO from V1 to V2.
19.5. Day 5 user do not stakes
We test if multiple user do not stakes stakes tokens, then check
- totalSupply
- balance420D
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
- productOfInterestRate
19.6. Day 6 user 3-6 stakes
We test if multiple user stakes stakes tokens, then check
- totalSupply
- balance420D
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
- productOfInterestRate
19.7. Day 7 user 3-6 unstakes part of the tokens
We test if multiple user only unstakes part of the tokens, then check
- totalSupply
- balance420D
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
- productOfInterestRate
19.8. Day 8 user 3,4,5 unstakes all
We test if multiple user 3,4,5 unstakes all tokens, then check
- totalSupply
- balance420D
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
- productOfInterestRate
19.9. Day 9 user 6 do not unstakes
We test if user 6 do not unstakes tokens, then check
- totalSupply
- balance420D
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
- productOfInterestRate
19.10. Day 10 user 6 unstakes all
We test if multiple user 6 unstakes all tokens, then check
- totalSupply
- balance420D
- poolBalance
- convertedCapital
- balanceS420D
- productOfInterestRate
20. WhiteList
20.1. constructor
20.1.1. correct admin
We test when WhiteList
is deployed, whether admin
is the address of the deployer.
20.1.2. correct cash
We test when WhiteList
is deployed, whether cash
is the correct ERC-20 token we use.
20.1.3. correct token
We test when WhiteList
is deployed, whether token
is contract Token420
20.1.4. correct memberLimit
We test when WhiteList
is deployed, whether memberLimit
is the correct value we have deployed.
20.1.5. correct depositLimit
We test when WhiteList
is deployed, whether depositLimit
is the correct value we have deployed.
20.1.6. correct deadline
We test when WhiteList
is deployed, whether deadline
is equal to the deploying timestamp plus the depositDuration
we have deployed.
20.2. addMembers
20.2.1. addMembers successfully
We test if admin
calls addMembers
before deadline
with a valid list of addresses, those addresses should be registered.
20.2.2. addMembers unsuccessfully from sender different from admin
We test if an address different from admin
calls addMembers
will cause revert.
20.2.3. addMembers unsuccessfully after deadline
We test if admin
calls addMembers
after deadline
will cause revert.
20.2.4. addMembers unsuccessfully when memberCount exceeding memberLimit
We test if admin
calls addMembers
with a list of addresses that makes memberCount
exceeds memberLimit
will cause revert.
20.2.5. addMembers unsuccessfully when duplicated member
We test if admin
calls addMembers
with a list of addresses that has a member duplicated within the list or with registered member will cause revert.
20.3. deposit
20.3.1. deposit successfully
We test if a member calls deposit
successfully before deadline
with amounts that don't exceed depositLimit
in total.
20.3.2. deposit unsuccessfully without membership
We test if an address which is not member calls deposit
will cause revert.
20.3.3. deposit unsuccessfully after deadline
We test if a member calls deposit
when timestamp is greater than deadline
will cause revert.
20.3.4. deposit unsuccessfully with amount exceeding depositLimit
We test if a member calls deposit
before deadline
with amounts that exceeds depositLimit
will cause revert.
20.4. supplyToken
20.4.1. supplyToken successfully
We test if anyone with enough token can call supplyToken
20.5. retrieveToken
20.5.1. retrieveToken successfully
We test if admin
calls retrieveToken
20.5.2. retrieveToken unsuccessfully from sender different from admin
We test if an address different from admin
calls retrieveToken
will cause revert.
20.6. withdrawToken
20.6.1. withdrawToken successfully
We test if members can call withdrawToken
to get the correct amounts of tokens they possess.
20.6.2. withdraw token unsuccessfully when there is no token to withdraw
We test if members cannot call withdrawToken
when there is no token to withdraw.
results matching ""
No results matching ""
If you still have any questions, feel free to reach the 420 DAO team in the discord or telegram channel